ime norma iso 5000 1

The course provides the background to the ISO 55000 standards, including relationship to, derivation from and differences from the BSI PAS55 specification for optimal management of physical assets. It refreshes the underlying concepts of joined-up, whole life cycle, optimized asset management, and clarifies the emerging international consensus on key terms and definitions. Most importantly, it explains the requirements specification (ISO55001) for a management system and outlines the implementation challenges and ways forward.

Finally it covers the preparatory steps, and communications messages that help an organization prepare for the standards, whether as an asset owner/operator or as a service provider.

At the end of the course participants will:

  • Understand the role, embedded principles and requirements of the ISO55000 family of standards for asset management.
  • Understand the implications of these standards for their organisation, including opportunities and busi- ness benefits.
  • Be able to plan the preparatory actions for the adoption of these standards.
  • Be able to explain to others the requirements, role and benefits of adopting ISO55000.

Detailed understanding of the content, implementation and opportunities represented by the ISO55000 standards. Early adopter opportunities and the insights helpful in managing expectations of different stakeholders (clients, regulators, investors, staff and suppliers/partners).

2 days (16 hours).


  • ISO 55000 provides critical overview, concepts and terminology needed to develop a long-term plan that incorporates an organization’s mission, values, objectives, business policies and stakeholder requirements.
  • ISO 55001 specifies the requirements for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and improvement of an asset management system. It can be used by any organization to determine which of its assets this International Standard applies.
  • ISO 55002 offers interpretation and guidance for such a system to be implemented in accordance with the requirements of ISO 55001.
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